OHM’S LAW Before going to Ohm’s law let us discuss in brief about some electrical components or devices we use in electric circuits. A Battery serves as a source of electricity in a circuit. We use mainly two measuring devices in this concept those are Volt meter: used to measure potential difference between the two ends of a conductor. So it is always connected in parallel ( we learn about types of connections later in this chapter) Ammeter: used to measure the current passing in the circuit. So it is always connected in series. Now let us dive in to the activity did by Ohm to understand his concept. Materials required: 5 dry cells of 1.5V each, conducting wires, an ammeter, a volt meter, thin iron spoke of length 10cm, LED and key. Procedure: Connect a circuit as shown in the above figure. Solder the conducting wires to the ends of the iron spoke. Close the key. Note the readings of current from ammeter and potential difference from volt meter in table ...
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